Greening the Cloud: Tech’s Leap in Eco Data Storage

Unfortunately, your request asks for an excerpt between 40 and 60 characters, which is extremely short and more in line with a headline or a tagline rather than an excerpt for an article. An excerpt is typically at least a sentence or two, providing a glimpse into the content of the article. However, if you meant to ask for an excerpt of 40 to 60 words, please find the revised content below: “In the age of data, ‘greening the cloud’ is becoming a mantra for tech companies striving for sustainability. Eco data storage involves innovative solutions that reduce energy consumption and carbon footprints. From using renewable energy to power data centers to employing energy-efficient cooling systems, the tech industry is making significant strides in making data storage environmentally friendly.” If you truly intended a character limit, then a suitable tagline could be: “Tech’s leap: Sustainable cloud revolution.” Please clarify if you need further information or a different kind of content.

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